Stacy Inadvertently Prevents Me From Making a Really Stupid Decision

My friend Stacy is kicking herself, because during a discussion on back-hair maintenance, I told her that it might be time to resurrect my idea for a giant tattoo (the great undersea battle between the squid and the whale) because then I would no longer have to maintain my back hair, as hair does not grow through tattoos, but she said, "Hair does too grow through tattoos!" and I checked and she was right, so getting ink all over my back isn't the solution-- but now Stacey is angry because if she didn't open her mouth, then I would have learned the hard way.


eric said...

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Al DePantsdowno said...

Is your backhair a problem for you? Or for someone else?

Lecky said...

why don't you do an outline of a monkey's face on your back and then let the hair grow in (not that you need ideas for stupid tatoos)

Dave said...

i've gotten a couple of suggestions like this-- someone said that i could get a sasquatch on my back and then i thought it might be funny to get a middle aged guy's balding head on my back, because the sparse hair would be funny-- but i don't want any more funny tattoos, i want something really bad-ass that the hair would look good on, like a koala bear or a weasel.

Whitney said...

You didn't know that hair grows through tattoos??? You've had big tattoos on your leg since 1989 and you have the hairiest legs I've ever seen. Dave . . . even for you, this is dopey.

Al DePantsdowno said...

This is my point. You are the hairiest individual (I hesitate to use the term "man", as in human)I know. Since when do you concern yourself with how you look to others? Dopey indeed!

Dave said...

i admit it's pretty dopey-- i just never checked my tattoos for hair. it seemed logical to me that the process would paralyze the hair follicles.

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