Lebron James: Crucified For All Our (Basketball Viewing) Sins

Planet Money 427: LeBron James is Still Underpaid makes a strong economic case that James doesn't make nearly what he's worth-- he's underpaid for his talent, he's underpaid for his effect on ticket sales and TV revenue for whatever team he plays for, and he deserves money for his global effect on the league-- but the owners and the players like it that way . . . LeBron suffers so they can all prosper (and LeBron himself might like it that way as well, because without the odd profit sharing, parity generating practices of the league, he might have nowhere to showcase his talents) and while I recommend listening to this entire podcast, if you just want a quick laugh, go six and a half minutes in and listen to the description of the NBA draft and just how strange it really is . . . imagine if "the best software engineer at MIT," a guy who could go to Silicon Valley and make millions with Google, had to throw his name into a pool and then be selected by one of the worst companies in the country, to work for a prescribed salary, and one day got a letter in the mail saying he was assigned to the IT department at Best Buy.


zman said...

I would happily take an NBA salary to work at Best Buy. Even a tenth of one.

Whitney said...

They made it look glamorous in The 40-Year-Old Virgin.

Dave said...

that was 2005 Best Buy. good times. normal people were still buying things in stores.

Whitney said...

Speaking of that movie, without looking, whose estimated net worth is highest?

Steve Carell
Paul Rudd
Seth Rogen

zman said...

Carell. All that dunder mifflin money.

Whitney said...

I would’ve thought for sure. Or Rudd with all the Avengers cash. It’s Rogen.

Dave said...

that's weird. freaks and geeks residuals?

Marls said...

And that my friends is why universal socialism is so incredibly stupid.

Rogan’s net worth on the other hand may be an argument against unbridled capitalism.

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