TV Stuff Part II

To continue yesterday's thread, the only TV I have been watching is The Office . . . my kids love it and I barely remember it, so we're going through them all-- we are on season three; in between laughing, during the awkward parts, I think most people invariably determine who they are in the office . . . which character on the show is the best parallel of their work behavior-- the first thing you need to do is eliminate Michael Scott (although if you're Michael Scott, then you don't know that you're Michael Scott) and while I can definitely be inappropriate and insensitive at times at work, I'm not as unaware as him and I'm not as dumb, and I'm pretty sure I have real friends and an actual wife and family-- I haven't photoshopped my face over someone's ex-husband so that I appear to be on a ski-trip with her and her kids-- and I hope people respect me a little bit more than they respect Michael Scott . . . and while I wish I were Jim Halpert, because everyone aspires to be Jim Halpert: funny, sensitive, witty, charming, understated, occasionally malevolent, but with a heart of gold, etcetera . . . unfortunately, I'm not him either, in fact-- after some candid self-reflection-- I'm pretty sure people at work see me as Creed (and this isn't even considering the ladies . . . I'm sure lots of women would like to be the Pam, not the Kelly, Phyllis or Angela . . . or -- God forbid-- the Meredith).


Melanie F said...

Both of my kids are watching The Office and both of them are on different seasons. Which means I am rewatching and rewatching right now too. It is Maddie's favorite show and she has refused to watch the final season so it won't end. This has been going on for at least 2 years. She claims she is going to finish the series on this rewatch. Also, I think I might be Stanley if I worked there - but I aspire to be Kelly Kapoor!

Dave said...

nice-- we are trying to figure out who kelly is in the department. people said i was more stanley than creed . ..

Lecky said...

"Prison Mike"

Best episode is "Dinner Party" a tribute to "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"

Dave said...

i use that episode for my description unit, it's perfect. we just watched the "prison mike" one!

Clarence said...

You are Michael
I am Jim
Squirrel is Andy

zman said...

Dave isn't Dwight? I used to look like Michael until he got hair plugs and I got fat.

Dave said...

i did a buzzfeed quiz. apparently, i am pam.

Dave said...

and clarence, you are todd packer. no question.

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