This Sentence Was Written Under Duress

I apologize for the poor quality of this sentence, but I am feeling light-headed because of the stupid fad-diet that I have vowed to adopt for the rest of my life; it's called the 5:2 Diet and it started in England -- the gimmick is that you "fast" two days a week and eat what you like the remaining five days . . . but it's not really fasting, it's just eating very limited calories two days a week (600 calories for men) and the craze for this diet serendipitously coincided with my reading of Jared Diamond's new book about hunter-gatherers and the success of their feast and famine diet . . . so I am going for it, and I don't do things half-assed (actually, yes I do) so I made the promise in the English office that I would fast on Mondays and Wednesdays for the rest of my life -- and I'm writing this late Monday afternoon, and so the fasting is really catching up with me (though I correctly spelled "serendipitously" on the first attempt!) but if I can hold out another couple of hours, with just a salad for dinner, then I can go to sleep and really pig-out tomorrow (and one of the problems with this diet is that you need complete control of your environment . . . two weeks ago, I had made it through the bulk of Wednesday, but my wife walked int he door with two delicious smelling pizzas and I broke down and ate four slices).


rob said...

this is galileo-level dipshittery

zman said...

Like Gallileo dropped the orange.

Clarence said...

According to the link, the diet helps ward off dementia. For Dave, it comes decades too late.

Dave said...

i can really wrap my dementia-addled head around this diet -- you don't have to do something different for the rest of your life, only for 2/7's of the rest of your life. i do end up making a lot of corollary laws, however, like no fasting when snowboarding (last week), or no fasting on a conference in NYC (tomorrow).

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.