Dish Washing Corollary #245

My wife has often corrected my method of loading the dishwasher-- apparently I don't categorize and group like items, and as a result I don't maximize the number of items that can fit on the bottom rack . . . and I'm also a bit cavalier with the kinds of items I place on the bottom rack and this leads to all kinds of trouble-- but Saturday Catherine also informed me of a Dish Washing Corollary with which I was not familiar: if the dishwasher is running and someone has just washed all the other dirty dishes, pots and pans that did not fit into the dish washer by hand and so the sink is totally clean and clear, then you should not toss a dirty dish into the sink (even though this is the normal protocol . . . the dirty dishes eventually get loaded into the dishwasher) because the sink is clean and someone has put in the time hand washing all the other dishes and so you should hand-wash this lone dish in order to show appreciation for the work the other person has done (even though hand-washing a single dish is a major waste of water, which I pointed out . . . and then I picked up another dirty breakfast dish off the kitchen table and asked, "Do I have to wash this one, too?" and then I dropped the subject because I knew I was pushing it and didn't want to get in big trouble . . . but, for the record, I'm not sure about the logic of this Dish Washing Corollary).


zman said...

When the dishwasher is full any dishes that can't fit in are leftover dishes and they go in the sink. They are leftovers so they don't count towards the sink's dirtiness quotient. you don't need to hand wash leftover dishes.

Squeaky said...

Paper plates, solves this problem. Just break them out every time the dishwasher is full.

rob said...

apparently it's not "cool" to put dishes in the dishwasher with food still on them. this seems stupid to me. if i need to wash everything before i put it in the dishwasher, what's the point of having a dishwasher?

Dave said...

you should NOT wash the dishes off before you put them in the washer . .. the soap needs something to grab on to.

i like the paper plate solution, although it's pretty shabby environmentally.

and zman is further proving the absurdity of his theory . . .

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