Dad Shame

Sometimes when my children find other kids to play with at the park-- which is happening more and more often-- I get bored, and sometimes when I get bored, especially if I've forgotten something to read, then I toss whatever balls we've brought in the wagon at my kids; I did this the other day with a Nerf football, I chucked it over the top of the jungle gym, hoping to surprise little Ian, but my aim was too precise and I hit him in the side of the face, and so he turned to me and said "Daddy, you hurt me" and then went back to playing . . . and then I noticed that another father caught the whole thing, and his look of disgust for me was priceless.


Anonymous said...

I give you that look every day, and I have never seen a sentence about it--I've got that look on my face right now.

Dave said...

it's better from people i don't know.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.