We All Love to Ignore Our Parents

After I took a plastic dagger and sheath away from the boys because it cracked and needed gluing, Ian tried to sneak behind my back-- walking on tip-toes and carrying the stool from the bathroom-- in order to retrieve the toy from the counter; even though he knew I was staring at him, he ignored me and set the stool up and climbed up so he could reach -- it was as if he believed that if he was quiet and didn't acknowledge that I was watching him, then I wouldn't stop him (then I put the broken weapon on top of the refrigerator and he moved the stool over to there, climbed up, and pathetically waved his arms-- a good four feet short of his target).


celine said...

this nearly brought me to tears...Calvin does stuff like this all the time. He has recently taken to using his latent car seat as a step stool since we have moved his step stools out of reach.

rob said...

yeah, been there. you're just mean, dave.

Dave said...

i AM getting mean-- and i can hear catherine yelling at ian as i type this-- he is DEFIANT-- but what is a "latent car seat"? something that's a car seat under the surface? got to go-- everyone is getting yelled at in the kitchen . . . a food spitting incident.

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