Our Phone Probably Doesn't Have Athlete's Foot

Catherine told me I couldn't write about this because she didn't want people to think we're dirty, filthy people, but then it broke, so now I'm allowed to say it: on Sunday, I was calling Catherine and helping Ian urinate at the same time, and I dropped the phone into the toilet-- but I wiped it off and put it outside to dry in the sun and the wind, and after that it worked-- I talked to someone on it (and that's when Catherine made me swear never to tell anyone) but it stopped working yesterday, so I'm going to buy a new one.


celine said...

sometimes calvin plays with the thing that hangs in the toilet that keeps it smelling fresh and clean.

celine said...

i thought this was toddler toilet confessions.

Dave said...

that's gross.

Al DePantsdowno said...

Did you at least wash your hands?

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